Tagged: alcohol

Christmas recipe No.3 – Daim bar vodka


The hardcore alternative to Baileys. Daim bar vodka!

1. Smash a few Daim bars up into small pieces.

2. Have a Bloody Mary whilst doing so. Using some vodka makes space for the good stuff.

3. Chuck the bashed up bits of Daim into the vodka.

4. Shake it up now and again but leave the bottle in the freezer.

5. It is ready in about 48 hours and improves with age.

Any sludge left at the end of the bottle makes an excellent ice cream topping.

The amount of Daim bars to use is about 4 per 750ml of vodka

Try and use a premium vodka that is at least 40% abv.


Classic one Liners……5

fagsThe one liners I come out with seem to have a theme – they are always blurted out when I am in the queue at the Co-op. My latest quip came as I was stood paying for a few bits at the fag, booze and lotto kiosk during a busy time in our local store.

It was about 6 pm and a train had just pulled in at the station around the corner. It had thrown out a lot of hot and bothered commuters, who added to the queue of punters wanting a mid-week lottery ticket, or to buy a packet of fags as well as to pay for a few groceries.

The man on the till serving me is a nice bloke.  He is a bit of a jobs worth, but always outgoing and polite and has been working there for years.  I punched in the PIN number to my bank card on the payment machine and as I did our man made a big announcement for the benefit of the customers queuing behind me.

“Sorry folks” he declared in a loud, confident voice. At this point he stepped back and pointed, so people could see that behind him next to the rows of vodka, gin and whiskies there was a big empty space in a whole section of the shelving,

”If you are here for cigarettes, we have none.”

He had a lot more interest in his announcement now and whist still gesturing he continued. People hushed up for a second or two.

“I am afraid to say there has been a break in last night and we have had all our cigarettes stolen…….”

“…….by a teetotaller”

I finished the sentence for him, loud enough for all to hear.

He did a double take at me as he stood there still pointing at a void next to bottles of booze. His hand dropped as soon as the penny did. I made a sharp exit.


Well, it gets worse at the “Beer” factory

It says a lot about my poor opinion of the multi-national beer producer (I was going to say brewer then but checked myself) Anheuser – Busch/Interbrew that I am not at all shocked to hear that they are being sued in the US courts for watering down their beer.

The dwindling strength of so called “premium lagers” made by AB/Interbrew has long been of concern among the beer drinkers that are in the know.

Stella no longer 5.2%

It is getting weaker still

Now things are getting interesting in the USA where court cases are being heard concerning allegations that Anheuser – Busch has been systematically watering down its “beer”  right on the production line. They would not do that now, would they……..?

Further links:

BBC Business News

Huffington Post