Tagged: frame

The Papershopcruiser



I got the Old Papershopcruiser out of the shed the other day and also found an unpublished video which is also posted. Seems ages ago that I made it.


Just Click the Link!

Next goal wins laaaaaaads!

After hours of tinkering, trawling the internet for parts that fit that wretched Raleigh frame and consulting Sheldon Brown, the ultimate bike mechanic’s guru, the bike is now built.

Check it….


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Noooooo! Not them!

You know when people weep when they see a piece of art that is so beautiful?

People cry at the opera or ballet because they are moved so much?

Well I am welling up here.

I failed in an e-bay auction to get this frame

and I see someone has transformed a similar frame to this object d’art

All I did was cry……….

Well it had to be done……

Not quite the top shelf porn mag – ‘reader’s wives’ sort of thing, but you catch the drift.

I have got my bike aka The Paper Shop Cruiser up loaded and published on “velospace”

Proper Job!

What a website that is – some absolutely stunning things in there. Forget Playboy! Go to www.velospace.org

I could spend hours looking at some of those pictures of some lovely machines.


Bike progress…..

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The bike is coming together. Brand new headset, bottom bracket and a front hub pulled apart and serviced by Baz.

Don’t look much but it has parts ripped off bikes in barns, two different council tips (I give Amersham the big thumbs up) and bids on ebay.

It has been a steep learning curve.

Setting yourself a goal

Bikes are a passion of mine. Cannot help falling in love with them. However I am no technical wizard when it comes down to bike mechanics. So my latest affair with a Raleigh Massif Mk I has been a long and drawn out one.

Isn’t Jimmy Cliff a legend by the way? Play out with him rather than Beyonce next time folks on the Pyramid stage please.

Another legend was a bloke called Sheldon Brown

He is no longer with us but without his guidance I would be lost and out of love. His knowledge remains for all to read on his fantastic website http://sheldonbrown.com

Raleighs used to be the IBMs of their age. They are about as hard to work with as using a stone axe to wire up a satellite dish. The modern kit just does not fit on them. So I find myself looking at wierd chat rooms to find out how to replace the bike’s steering mechanism and also turning to good old Sheldon for pearls of wisdom on how to fit 12omm hubs into a 4 1/2 inch gap.

But I refuse to get obsessive – unlike this bloke – Click and see HERE
